Archive for ‘All-American Blogger’

June 5, 2009

EXCLUSIVE at 5 p.m. EDT! OnlineInterview With Notorious Blogger

Yes, that’s right, at 5 p.m. Eastern, All-American Blogger Duane Lester will broadcast his exclusive RFC Radio interview with me! And we will talk about . . . Carrie Prejean NUDE and other secrets of super-cool bloggers. Listen here, and join the RFC chatroom here.

I’m as giddy as a 14-year-old girl an MSNBC reporter who’s just been French-kissed by gotten a “no comment” from Nick Jonas Robert Gibbs.

Update by Smitty, deliverin’ the goods:
RSM part 1 (mp3)
RSM part 2 (mp3)

Kudos to RFC Radio for their support. Now, either hit the tip jar, or pick up RSM as he hitchhikes back north.