Archive for ‘Day By Day’

June 19, 2009

Get Down With

Chris Muir’s “Day By Day” gets sexy with the no-tie-required down-and-dirty news bloggregator:

Of course, this is just the PG-13 family-friendly version. Bloggers featured in “Day By Day” get the original uncut strip. In this case, although decorum prevents a explicit description, the uncut version is 12 panels. Jan is amazingly limber . . . but she’s “Day By Day’s” token liberal, so I suppose she’s got to be very flexible like that. features a just-the-facts-ma’am Joe Friday way of aggregating news, blogs and commentary. Barely more than two weeks old, the site has already generated about 10,000 visits.

One of the things has done from the start is to provide solid economic and financial coverage. Yesterday, while I was in D.C. to do reporting on the IG-Gate scandal, Jimmie Bise Jr. compiled the “Wall Street P.M.” report, a daily aggregation of stock market results and other financial-sector news.

Because includes RSS feeds from numerous news sources and blogs, it is “auto-updating” — readers can refresh the page periodically and see how the sidebars change to include the latest items. Jimmie, Smitty and I hope to add more bloggers to the team at, building it out to include more original reporting, in addition to the regular “300 Words Or Less” editorials. (Interested bloggers should contact Jimmie or Smitty.)

Meanwhile, speaking of reporting, I’m on deadline for this IG-Gate scandal story, so I’ll leave it up to readers to imagine what comes next at Like that “Day By Day” cartoon, the best is yet to come.

Again and again, yet still begging for more.

June 15, 2009

The Hot Redhead Is Right!

Today’s Day-by-Day:

It’s the Rule 5 Christina Hendricks Principle: Any argument is more persuasive when made by a hot chick. Just think if Friedrich Hayek had been a sexy dame with big gazongas . . .

UPDATE: Welcome Instapundit readers! Speaking of libertarian fantasies, imagine Jon Corzine crushed like a bug on a windshield on the Jersey Turnpike . . .

March 29, 2009

Soros as Bond villain

Slightly less charismatic than Dr. No, perhaps, but much, much more evil.

Update: by Smitty
Speaking of Bond villains, the graphic over on Gateway Pundit makes you wonder who will benefit from current energy policy. Probably not “Dr. Yes”.