Archive for ‘Russia’

March 15, 2009

What’s killing Russia?

Russia has been described as “sliding into a demographic abyss“:

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russian fertility rate plummeted from 2.19 children per woman in 1986 to 1987 to 1.17 in 1999. In 2001, the fertility rate was 1.25 in Russia.

This is unsustainable, and a big part of the explanation is that Russia has long relied on abortion as a primary form of birth control. The Bolsheviks had pro-abortion views nearly as extreme as NARAL and the liquidation of Christianity under Soviet rule meant that there was no political, moral or cultural opposition to the practice. Abortion-on-demand thus became deeply engrained in the medical and social traditions of the nation, a Culture of Death that has outlived the regime that spawned it.

A new documentary, Killing Girls, chronicles the brutal reality of this, as St. Blogustine explains:

The film follows three teenage girls in Russia from the time they enter the abortion clinic until after they leave, delving into their circumstances for being pregnant, their reasons for having late-term, labor induced abortions, and the state of moral decay in today’s Russia that would result in such an alarming trend (80% of today’s Russian women have between 2 and 10 abortions in their lifetimes).

Here’s the trailer for the film:

November 29, 2008

Nuclear Hugo

Oh, this sounds like a splendid idea:

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev agreed to help start a nuclear energy program in Venezuela and said Moscow is willing to participate in a socialist trade bloc in Latin America led by President Hugo Chavez.
Medvedev used his visit to Venezuela—the first by a Russian president—to extend Moscow’s reach into Latin America and deepen trade and military ties. Chavez denied trying to provoke the United States, but he welcomed Russia’s growing presence in Latin America as a reflection of declining U.S. influence.
Chavez and Medvedev planned to visit a Russian destroyer docked in a Venezuelan port on Thursday. The arrival of Russian warships this week for training exercises with Venezuela’s navy was the first deployment of its kind in the Caribbean since the Cold War.

The “Camelot” comparisons for the Obama administration might be a little more accurate than we thought. “Watch, we’re going to have an international crisis . . . to test the mettle of this guy. . . . I guarantee you it’s gonna happen.”

August 11, 2008

Moonbats shouldn’t do foreign policy

Really, HuffPo, did you have to publish this?

In classic “Wag The Dog” scenario there is a neat little war brewing between American and Russian proxies, and real Russian troops, in the Caucacus Mountains on the Russian border.
It couldn’t come at a better time for the Republicans.
McCain gets to act and talk tough against the Russians, while Obama is on vacation in Hawaii, issuing “can’t we all get along statements.”
It perfectly augments Republican campaign points: Obama is not ready. He is not tough, experienced enough to deal with a dangerous world.

The Russian invasion of Georgia was an unjustified and unilateral aggression by Putin’s neo-Stalinist regime. Thousands ae dead, and thousands will die yet. Georgians are begging the West for assistance, and view our failure to intervene as a betrayal. A world crisis looms, of tremendous geopolitical significance.

To interpret all this through the narrow prism of domestic election politics — and especially to invoke paranoid fear of a bogus “Wag the Dog” scenario — is so far beneath the contempt of serious people that I hesitated even to notice it.

What is wrong with you people?

August 10, 2008

War in the Caucasus

Gabriel Malor at AOSHQ provides a map and some useful background on the conflict. Recent news (via Memeorandum):

Will continue following developments.

August 10, 2008

Obama plagiarizes Maverick

The previously diplomatic Barack Obama has belatedly decided to emulate John McCain’s bluntness in declaring that Russia has invaded Georgia.

Another gaffe by The One, for which he shall be mercilessly derided in coming days.