Archive for ‘An American Carol’

October 7, 2008

Fraud against ‘An American Carol’?

That’s what Little Miss Atilla says, and the producers are investigating. I have no problem believing that biased ticket clerks would sabotage a conservative film, since biased bookstore clerks do everything they can to sabotage conservative books.

You should go see An American Carol — it’s funny. Here’s my mini-review, and here’s the trailer:

October 4, 2008

‘An American Carol’ mini-review

Last night, I saw An American Carol at the DC American Film Renaissance festival and enjoyed it very much. Kevin Farley is excellent as Michael Malone, a thinly-veiled caricature of Farenheit 9-11 director Michael Moore.

In true Zucker style, there are running jokes about Malone’s obesity, his romantic haplessness, and the inferior status of documentary filmmakers. Also, Malone keeps getting his face slapped, a cathartic experience for many views.

The funniest scene in the movie was when a courtroom (with Dennis Hopper as the judge) is overrun by zombie lawyers from the ACLU. Hopper and Gen. George S. Patton (Kelsey Grammer) wield pump shotguns as they blast away at the zombies, as Patton shouts: “They’re not people, they’re the ACLU!”

Robert Davi as the terrorist leader is appropriately sinister, with Serdar Kalsin and Geoffrey Arend as his comic henchmen.

Ideologically, the film leans heavily toward the neocon point of view, glorifying war and derogating the Fourth Amendment (“Enjoy your privacy rights in hell!” Patton shouts at one point). Yet it is very funny, and certainly if it reaches a wide audience, Michael Moore’s reputation will be permanently damaged. Here’s the trailer one more time:

October 3, 2008

‘An American Carol’ tonight!

Today is the opening of “An American Carol”:

Some very clever casting here: Kelsey Grammar as Gen. George S. Patton — who would have thought of that? And introducing country singer Trace Adkins as the Angel of Death — that’s edgy, and I could see Adkins getting more work after this auspicious film debut.

Tonight, I’ll be attending a showing of “An American Carol” in Arlington, Va., as part of the DC American Film Renaissance festival.

UPDATE: Anita Crane has an interview with “An American Carol” executive producer Myrna Sokoloff in today’s American Spectator.

UPDATE II: Smitty, if you’ll bring an extra $25, I’ll bring an extra copy of the book. I could use the gas money.

UPDATE III: Jeremy, je suis une journaliste. Mai oui.

September 17, 2008

Video: ‘An American Carol’

The film company sent this to me:

The film company said “because of your influence in the blogosphere, we would like to invite you to be a part of the American Carol grassroots team.” Translation: “We’re not actually going to pay you anything, but . . . “

Hollywood turns out to be surprisingly like Washington, DC, that way. C’mon, guys: At least throw me some free tickets. A T-shirt, maybe?

I’m a greedy right-wing capitalist blogger, OK? I don’t consider it bribery or payola. Just hit the tip jar or something.

Thanks! Here’s the Web site for An American Carol.