A linky-love recession?

How hard did I work to own the Carrie Prejean breast implant meme? Like a mofo.

So I’m checking SiteMeter and notice traffic off an Ace of Spades thread, check it out and it’s Ace blogging about Carrie’s fake tits. But it’s not Ace that’s linking me, it’s a commenter.

Instead, Ace links Jammie Wearing Fool, whom I beat to this meme by at least a week. And then I go to Jammie’s place and see that he got a freaking Instalanche.

So then, I notice I’m getting traffic from a Hot Air thread, but when I go there, it’s not Allah linking me, it’s also a commenter. Allah won’t link me even though I was blogging about this at the Green Room this morning!

WTF? Is my blog-fu fading? Is it my breath? If I wanted to be treated like crap, I would have stayed in the newspaper business.

UPDATE: Welcome to the Linky-Love Deficit Syndrome Encounter Group, where we sit around and talk about our feelings about our anemic traffic. And hug and cry a lot.

UPDATE II: When it rains, it pours, and your protege gets linked by The New York Daily News. It makes a guy feel . . . inadequate.

UPDATE III: Brother Jimmie offers comforting words. We covet the linkage.

UPDATE IV: Carol at No Sheeples Here gives me a hug. And you know something? I think maybe Allahpundit is jealous because my wife of 20 years is still so freaking hot. And I’m going to rub his face in it by posting another hot photo of her from back in the day:

Yeah. They’re real. And they’re spectacular.

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