Archive for May 16th, 2009

May 16, 2009

Revenge of the Clonebots, or How to Do Full Metal Jacket Saturday By Hand

Smitty is out of town again this weekend, and e-mailed me before he left town that it was “tits up” for the Technorati clonebot army with which he usually compiles the Rule 2 Reach-Around weekly round-up.

However, rather than break the Saturday link-back tradition, I’m going to attempt to compile the round-up manually, like I did back in the Dark Ages before we had Smitty’s high-tech assistance. We’re rockin’ it Old School, homies. This will take hours to complete, with repeated updates. But be patient and check back, and we’ll try get to everyone eventually, in a more-or-less random fashion:

OK, that is a mere beginning of the sprawling, comprehensive roundup that will be compiled through successive updates, as I laboriously do this reach-around by hand. (Heh.)


May 16, 2009

Republicans ‘begging’ Erick Erickson to shut down Facebook protest of NRSC

You may remember my reaction when the “treacherous bastards” at the National Republican Senatorial Committee endorsed Charlie Crist in the Florida Senate race — 15 months before the primary!

Erick Erickson of Red State started a Facebook group to protest the NRSC’s endorsement of Crist, and Erick just sent this message to group members:

Subject: They are listening
I’ve been getting all sorts of emails begging me to shut this group down.
Instead, please consider inviting ten friends each.
The NRSC will not listen to us unless we help shut down their fundraising. You can help.


Meanwhile, there is a new blog HQ for the grassroots anti-NRSC protest: NOT ONE RED CENT.

UPDATE: John Hawkins of Right Wing News is circulating this petition:

Dear Senator Cornyn,
We the undersigned believe that the National Republican Senatorial Committee should be committed to serving ALL the members of the Republican Party.
Additionally, the NRSC should be focused on defeating Democrats, not Republicans. Towards that end, we believe it was completely inappropriate for the NRSC to endorse a candidate in the Florida primary race.
Therefore, we request that both you and the NRSC alter your position on the Florida Senate race, maintain neutrality, and promise to spend no money directly or indirectly in that race.

Things are getting hot for Cornyn and the NRSC.

UPDATE II: Welcome, Instapundit readers! Please also see my post at Hot Air Green Room: “Behind the ‘Not One Red Cent’ Rebellion.”

UPDATE III: Red Hot at Red State. And a Memeorandum thread. Certain left-wing bloggers are laughing, failing to understand what this is about. It is good that they don’t understand.

UPDATE IV: Welcome, Ann Coulter readers!