Archive for May 27th, 2009

May 27, 2009

What Part of ‘It Won’t Work’Is So Hard to Understand?

Dec. 8, 2008: It Won’t Work
Feb. 9, 2009: It Still Won’t Work
May 4, 2009: Hey, By The Way, Just In Case You Didn’t Notice, It Won’t Work
May 27, 2009: OK, Now I Will Speak Very Loudly So Maybe You’ll Understand: IT WON’T WORK!

Lather, Rinse, Repeat: IT WON’T WORK!

UPDATE: “Are the people of this country really that stupid??” Adrienne, did you ever hear of something called “the public education system”?

May 27, 2009

Don’t start the party without me!

Just got off the phone with investigative reporter Matthew Vadum, who gave me the big scoop: America’s Future Foundation is having its annual gala tomorrow (Thursday) night at 8 p.m.

Of course, this means that I must be on the scene to get the real truth, to uncover the shocking scandal, to expose the hideous corruption, to let all my cheapskate ungrateful “friends” pay up on all the beers they owe me.

Fear and Loathing in Washington: Expect full coverage — the exclusive inside story — because this is a tax-deductible business expense.

UPDATE: Someone points out that on the invitation they misspelled “Arts Club” as “Art’s Club,” as if a guy named Art owned the place.

May 27, 2009

‘The Empirical Way’

Home schooling is the empirical way to raise children into adults who are not neurotic drones infected and indoctrinated with a strain of virulent leftardism.”

In case you need empirical proof.

May 27, 2009

Oh, this is good!

David Frum is Moe Green and Mark Levin is Michael Corleone, and it’s time to settle old scores:

David Frum was never much of a thinker. Try as he might, he just can’t seem to attract interest, let alone a following, even when stabbing his old boss, President George W. Bush, in the back with a rambling screed. Profiting from a confidential relationship with a president is about as low as it gets. But Frum, the ex-speech-writer turned self-hating blogger, isn’t done descending. Now he spends his lonely days and nights at his keyboard trying to settle personal scores and demonizing those who dare to dismiss his ramblings as the work of an emotional wreck.
Go read every blood-drenched word. See why I like Levin? He is perfectly happy to spend his days going after Democrats and ignore the occasional insult. But if you ever really piss him off . . .

(Via Protein Wisdom.) Go read the whole thing, but check back here in an hour or so, because I’ll have an update I think you’ll want to read.

UPDATE: Believe it or not, I consider David Frum a friend. He did me a favor once when I needed it, and I try not to forget a favor.

Nothing hurts me worse than to see two friends at daggers drawn, as with Frum and Levin, but Levin is clearly the injured party here. As I sometimes say when somebody gets cross-ways with me, “Buddy, you done pissed off the wrong redneck.”

Frum wrote a truly excellent book about the 1970s, How We Got Here, and his wife, Danielle Crittenden, wrote a truly excellent book about feminism, What Our Mothers Never Told Us. I do not hesitate to recommend either book, even if you don’t like David Frum.

So, what happened to Frum? He made the mistake of joining the Bush speechwriting team without thinking of what he was getting himself into. As Matthew Scully has explained, Bush made the mistake of assigning his speechwriting shop to Michael Gerson, a worthless, self-serving, two-faced, second-rate scoundrel.

There is something about working for a mediocrity like Gerson that injures a man’s pride, which is why it is always dangerous to entrust managerial or supervisory duties to mediocrities. Gerson was a disloyal glory hog who was always leaking to the press. The rest of the speechwriting staff knew who was doing the leaking, they resented the hell out of it, and it destroyed morale.

That kind of stuff happens all the time in D.C.. When I showed up for my first day of work at The Washington Times in November 1997, I got talking to a guy named Michael Rust, a brilliant writer who died a few years ago of diabetes. Michael said, “Welcome to Washington, a town where people advance” — and here he made a motion with his hands, as if climbing a ladder — “on the knives stuck in the backs of their former friends.”

Ah, would that I had heeded Michael’s warning more closely! It was not until about 2006 that I began to understand what he meant. The specifics are irrelevant here, but the lesson that you must understand is that most feuds like this in Washington are not really about ideology, they’re about ambition.

There is another excellent book you should read by — surprise! — David Brooks. Bobos in Paradise (2000) includes a chapter describing the means by which political intellectuals ascend the ranks of the punditocracy. It’s a shrewd and devastatingly accurate analysis of how things work inside the Beltway, and the insightful reader realizes that Brooks followed his own cunning advice. (“Brooks, you brilliant bastard! I read your book!”)

When I write about The Republicans Who Really Matter, I’m trying to explain how ambition accounts for the bizarre peregrinations of so many “conservative” operatives in Washington. It isn’t that they don’t have principles or that they don’t have any core beliefs. Rather, it is that they stay in the game long enough to see how the game is played by the “winners” — e.g. , David Gergen — and decide to start playing that same game.

This is why I so admire Robert Novak. An excellent reporter who was originally a liberal Republican, Novak followed the facts wherever they led him — which is why he became a conservative. But if a Republican was doing the wrong thing, he always had to worry about Novak, because Novak was fearless and independent, and he would blow the whistle in a heartbeat if he found out someone was running a scam.

In his ill-advised article “Unpatriotic Conservatives,” Frum unjustly attacked Novak, and Rich Lowry should have been fired immediately for having had the bad taste to publish such a thing on the cover of National Review. (What did Ann Coulter call Lowry, a “girly man”?)

I’ve got friends on both sides of the paleoconservative/neoconservative divide. My paleo friends are laughing their asses off to see Levin and Frum going at one another. And half my family is Democrats, so you can imagine how they’re enjoying this internecine Republican bloodletting.

It’s just like when Charles Johnson goes after Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? Who assigned Charles as the Torquemada to lead the Blogospheric Inquisition? In any large collaborative enterprise, these kinds of feuds and schisms are to be expected, but sooner or later somebody has got to say, “Hey, knock it off with this Urge to Purge power trip.” I’ve got no personal beef with Charles, but at the point he accused Geller of being a pawn of Euro-fascism, he jumped the shark.

Same thing with Frum or Dreher or anyone else who wants to arrogate to themselves the right to say who is or is not a legitimate conservative spokesman. Like Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin and Laura Ingraham, Mark Levin has earned what he’s got by honest toil.

Levin’s independence is a function of his hard-earned success, and he speaks to an audience that is always free to turn the station. Even if I don’t always agree with him — even if I sometimes think, “Hey, Mark, could you maybe turn it down to 11?” — Levin is honest, and does not fawn or flatter or backstab.

If Levin’s got a problem with you, he’s going to come right at you. That’s just the way the bad boys roll. Either roll with them, or get out of the way, Moe Green.

My advice to David Frum would be to admit his error and try to make amends, because like I said, “Buddy, you done pissed off the wrong redneck.”

UPDATE II: Now linked at Memeorandum, and speaking of pissing off the wrong redneckCanadian, Kathy Shaidle jumps in and predicts the trench warfare will continue all week.
BTW, Kathy perfectly illustrates what I’m trying to say about trying to bridge the paleo/neo divide. Kathy is pro-Israel, which would normally make her neo, but she’s so bold in her political incorrectness, it’s as if Sam Francis had been reincarnated as a sawed-off Canadian girl. (NTTAWWT.)

And, by God, she fights. That’s what really counts with me. I admire conservatives who hate and despise liberalism with a primal ferocity, so that the minute the Left comes after one of our guys . . .

When you’re Jet,
You’re a Jet all the way,
From your first cigarette
To your last dying day.

Heaven help any fool who thinks he’s going to cross Kathy Shaidle and walk away unscathed.

UPDATE III: Just updated the right-sidebar headlines to link this post by Tigerhawk:

Sadly, it is fashionable among certain righty intellectuals to make a point of distancing themselves from Ann Coulter. . . .
The offensive reason, of course, is to establish their bona fides as “reasonable” conservatives so that they do not destroy their social lives. . . .
The more legitimate reason is that Ann, along with Rush, has been so successful promoting a sort of “low brow” conservatism (see John Derbyshire on this taxonomic classification and Rush Limbaugh’s impact on it) that the middle-brow version has been terribly diminished by comparison.

Like I said in the headline, “Watch it with that ‘lowbrow’ stuff, cracker.” Coulter and Limbaugh are obviously quite intelligent, and I credit them with knowing exactly what they’re doing. (See also: Dreher, Levin, and the Craft of Talk Radio.)

Some people like to imagine that they’re more sophisticated than Rush, more sensitive than Coulter, more civil than Levin. And anyone who thinks like that is an arrogant son of bitch, in my book.

When someone is very successful at what they do, they must be given credit for knowing what they’re doing. Don’t try to tell Jimmy Page how to play guitar and don’t tell Tiger Woods how to swing a three iron.

This is not to say that Page never misses a note, or that Tiger never shanks a drive, nor is it to say that Rush or Ann or Mark is immune to criticism. Rather, they have earned, by their demonstrable success, a certain level of respect for their judgment, and ought not be lectured self-righteously by some wannabe “expert” who never played the game. And I will repeat what I said before:

“One of the basic principles of military strategy is to reinforce success. If you see a man who fights and wins, give him reinforcements, and bid others to emulate his success.”

Conservatives who want to derogate successful leadership really need to ask themselves whether David Brooks, Kathleen Parker, Rod Dreher et al., have what it takes to inspire and lead conservatives to success. Evidence for such a proposition is lacking.

If Republicans had listened to Rush, John McCain never would have been the GOP nominee and Barack Obama would not have been the Democratic nominee. So if the Republican Party is in disarray, whose fault is that? It ain’t the fault of us “lowbrow” conservatives, is it?

Tigerhawk, you’re still a Jet in good standing, as far as I’m concerned. I’ve always liked John Derbyshire, but that was an article he never should have published. And if Rush or Ann see you quoting that kind of stuff, don’t say I didn’t try to warn you.

May 27, 2009

The Amazing Miss Helen Rittelmayer

Last month, a young friend of mine turned down a summer internship at The American Spectator, which instead went to another friend of mine, the only Ivy League graduate I actually like, Helen Rittelmayer. This morning, my favorite Yalie lays the knife into — wait for it — Ross Douthat:

Douthat. . . assumes that everyone can agree that “the steady advancement of single motherhood threatens the interests and happiness of women” . . . This, of course, is a little concern-trollish, too — who is Douthat to tell Catharine MacKinnon, et al., what a real feminist would do?
The real feminists, of course, have turned up right on schedule to tell Douthat that, if he were really on their side, he’d join feminists in supporting their two favorite methods of reducing single motherhood: abortion and the Pill.
And that’s the real problem with Douthat’s column. . . .
After all, what Douthat doesn’t know is that the feminists have been stigmatizing single motherhood, just not in a way that would please him. . . .
You’re pregnant on your own — what, were you drunk or something?
That kind of stigma works, but presumably the conservative half of Douthat’s alliance couldn’t really unite behind it. This leaves Douthat in a corner from which there are a limited number of ways to escape. . . . If Douthat accepts late marriage as a social given, then he’ll have to create an America in which “thirty-year-old virgin” isn’t a punchline.

There’s much more of that delicious flaying. Very good, Helen. Very, very good. Just one word of advice: Next time, find an excuse to link me. (Rule 2.)

UPDATE: Dan Collins of Protein Wisdom advises via Twitter that he went to Dartmouth, and so I take that back about Helen being the only Ivy Leaguer I actually like. And I could probably think of some other Ivy League alumni who are decent human beings. But most of them are as obnoxiously snotty as Douthat.

May 27, 2009

Chris Matthews — and Allah? — bash Rush

“The reason the White House goes after Rush, Newt, and Cheney isn’t because they’re out of power, it’s because they’re unpopular, something Matthews knows (or should know) better than anyone given his network’s obsession with trumpeting Limbaugh’s pronouncements as a foil to Obama.”