Archive for May 17th, 2009

May 17, 2009

When Democrats start to doubt

While researching a liberal blogger who declared that she could “possibly bring [herself] to link to Robert ‘McCrazy’ McCain” — and I’m only too happy to return the favor of non-linkage, Libby Spencer — I ended up on the Detroit News blog, where I encountered Robert Smith Jr.

Smith is a Democrat, but he’s starting to doubt that Hope and Change is going to change anything he’d hoped it would. Here he is reacting to a rumor that Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm might be nominated to the Supreme Court:

Can Democrats keep Michigan blue if the president decides to nominate Gov. Jennifer Granholm for the Supreme Court? Some think it will take the spotlight off the office of governor that she has had for eight years as things in Michigan got worse in every way. The economy and the education system have failed completely. The bad or sad part is Democrats no longer have Bush to blame. My, do Democrats miss George?

Notice that Smith (a) bluntly admits that Granholm has been a disaster as governor, and (b) realizes that Democrats have benefitted from the “blame Bush” syndrome, which is already past its sell-by date and certainly won’t be electoral magic in 2010.

Then Smith comes up with a post titled, “President Obama Gets More Like George Bush Daily.” This is the real seed of dissent, the kind of thought that can lead somebody to re-examine their political commitments. When you vote for Change and instead get More Of The Same, you start asking yourself, “Who do these guys really represent? Because they sure as heck ain’t representing me.”

The recognition that you have been played — promised the moon, the stars and the sun by clever political hustlers who were only in it for their own power — is the kind of lightbulb-over-the-head moment that produces ex-Democrats. A lot of women Democrats felt similarly when the party shoved Hillary aside in favor of Obama, but their hatred of Republicans was enough for them to get over it in November.

If continued, that kind of disappointment, that sense of betrayal caused by political deception can lead a thinking man to ask, “Why am I voting for these people? Why did I ever believe their nonsense?”

One thing’s for sure: If Smith ever believed Obama had a magic economic formula to fix what’s wrong with Detroit, he’s going to be in for a lot more disappointment. It Won’t Work. The Fundamentals Still Suck. Economics Is Not a Popularity Contest.

May 17, 2009

‘Fever Swamp’ Memo to A.J. Strata and Other ‘Centrist, Sane’ GOP Losers

Listen, buddy, when you go to pick a fight, it’s best to know who you’re picking a fight with. And it may help to know what you’re actually fighting about:

We have a choice on whether there should be a centrist, sane and effective opposition to the liberal Democratic policies in DC that are destroying our country’s economic system. A centrist coalition which can support our President when he makes good decisions, as he has done on Iraq, Afghanisatan and FISA, and hopefully as he will do in the end with GITMO and the terrorists detainees. A centrist and sane opposition that can win seats and influence the decisions of the day.

The “Not One Red Cent” rebellion is not about Charlie Crist. It’s not about any one issue or even really about conservatives-vs.-moderates. It’s about a Republican “leadership” that has spent the past few years destroying the grassroots of the GOP. However, your idea of a “centrist coalition” as the basis for revitalizing the Republican Party is a non-starter, for several reasons:

  • In terms of issues, you’re focused on foreign policy — “Iraq, Afghanistan, FISA . . . terrorist detainees” — on which Obama has deftly triangulated. That he has thereby sold out his Nutroots supporters is an illustrative irony about the nature of coalition politics which would make an interesting digression. I now merely note it.
  • What is the “centrist” position on inherently divisive issues? Is there some sort of Solomonic split-the-difference compromise position between Perez Hilton and Carrie Prejean, between SEIU and Club for Growth, between NARAL and National Right to Life?
  • The argument for a “centrist” GOP implies that the Republican Party has lost support because it is, or was, too “far right.” Evidence is lacking for that supposition. The congressional defeats of 2006 were primarily a result of an energized anti-war movement driving the Democrat vote at a time when Iraq was on the brink of chaos. Meanwhile, the Republicans were tarred by the Abramoff and Foley scandals, and the GOP base was de-energized by the McCain-Kennedy amnesty bill. The blame for Republican defeat in 2008 can be laid nowhere else except squarely at the feet of John McCain.
  • Regardless of how many votes the GOP gets among moderates, there is no useful political energy there. Having spent a good bit of time studying independent “swing” voters, I can tell you that their main characteristic is political disengagement. They are ill-informed about current events, don’t follow the news in any depth, and their conceptions of political ideology are superficial and incoherent. Lacking any firm political commitments, swing voters are extremely vulnerable to bandwagon psychology, tending to vote for whichever candidate they perceive as the likely winner. Swing voters don’t turn out for primaries or special elections, and don’t usually vote in mid-terms.

Attempting to re-build the Republican Party as a “centrist coalition” would require ignoring the solid core of the GOP’s grassroots conservative support, and instead allowing mercurial “swing” voters — non-participants in the political process except on Election Day every four years — to set the agenda.

This won’t work, because it is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of “swing” voters. They didn’t sit down in October 2008 and compare the party platforms, or analyze the various policy proposals of McCain and Obama. They turned on their TVs and saw a young articulate candidate (who vaguely reminded them of the Allstate Insurance spokesman) debating a short, grumpy, old bald guy.

Guess what? The old bald guy lost!

Did “issues” have anything to do with this? Well, if issues matter, John McCain certainly didn’t help himself by coming down on the wrong side of the Bush bailout:

As with immigration reform in 2006 and 2007, McCain’s pro-bailout stance made him the most prominent advocate of an unpopular proposal.

Why is it that “centrist” Republicans have such an inerrant instinct for supporting the losing side of every issue? And need I remind you, A.J. Strata, that you said “Bravo!” to that idiot move? (Whereas I said, “Holy crap!”)

How, then, do you now claim to speak for an “effective opposition to the liberal Democratic policies in DC that are destroying our country’s economic system”? Hell’s bells, Ron Paul has spent years warning about “policies in DC that are destroying our country’s economic system,” back when it was the Bush administration pushing those policies — and all Ron Paul ever got from you “centrists” was scorn and ridicule.

Where were the “centrists” while the Bush administration was pushing through the Ted Kennedy-approved No Child Left Behind idiocy? Where were the “centrists” when Republican leadership was twisting arms to approve the Medicare prescription drug entitlement?

Even if the legislation serves the short-term political interests of Republicans, it will create policy and political woes for the GOP for years to come, because it fails to address the program’s fundamental flaws.
— David Gratzer, M.D.
National Review, Nov. 24, 2003

Bad policy is bad politics. And bad politics usually involves listening to the “experts” and ignoring the voters. Whatever happened to the “Spirit of ’94,” when Republican leaders stirred the grassroots in the political uprising that put Congress under GOP control for the first time in 1994?

Fifteen years ago, Newt Gingrich and his colleagues went out of their way to make themselves accessible to the people who elected them, regularly holding town-hall meetings with their constituents and inviting radio talk-show hosts to broadcast from the Capitol.

But then Team Bush came to Washington and everything turned upside down. Instead of politicians listening to the people who elected them, the Republican Party became a hierarchical, top-down, control-oriented system in which the political “experts” called the shots, the grassroots were ignored, and everybody was supposed to repeat the RNC talking points issued from Washington. This top-down method of politics is a surefire formula for destroying grassroots enthusiasm.

The Taint of Bushism
As I’ve said before, Republicans are now painfully re-learning a lesson they should have learned the first time: “Lie down with Bushes, wake up with Democrats.” And it is perhap not coincidental that the NRSC chose Jeb Bush’s Florida as the battleground for its latest assault on the party’s grassroots. This “kingmaker” move from Washington has all the hallmarks of the highhanded Bush family style. (Read my lips: NO MORE BUSHES!)

If Charlie Crist wins the GOP primary in 2010, he will lose the general election. Crist is covered in the taint of Bushism, and if there is one thing Nov. 4, 2008, made clear, it’s that the American people are sick and tired of Bush-brand Republicanism: Sound-bite rhetoric and patriotic-sounding speeches in support of an incoherent mishmash of bad policy.

America is fed up with that crap. Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are the beneficiaries of Bush-era Republican failure, and there is no political calculus in favor of a go-along-to-get-along “centrist” approach to the present situation.

You say, A.J. Strata, that you are an ex-Democrat who switched during Ronald Reagan’s first term. Well, I was such a yellow-dog loyalist that it wasn’t until after I’d voted for Bill Clinton in 1992 that I became an ex-Democrat.

In the process of becoming an ex-Democrat, however, I did something else: I became a conservative. Having been burned and betrayed by the party of my birth, I was certainly not going to embrace an alternative unexamined. So in my 30s, I went back and read all the conservative books I’d ignored in my youth.

One of the first conservative books I read was Bill Buckley’s Up From Liberalism, in which he examined — and rejected — the “Modern Republican” agenda that prevailed in the Eisenhower-era GOP. It was Buckley’s rejection of that Laodicean “centrism” that proved pivotal in the course of the subsequent epoch in world history: The Sharon Statement, the Goldwater campaign, the Reagan revolution, and the collapse of the “Evil Empire.”

Centrist Geeks at the Conservative Prom
At every step along the way, the conservative movement was viciously criticized by “centrist” Republicans as too extreme, too radical, too rowdy and uncouth for mainstream acceptance. The critics were all wrong then, and they’re all wrong now. And A.J. Strata has got nothing better to do than to rail against Glenn Beck:

Not some right wing drama queen show where mad conspiracy theories fly about memos from DHS, or forged birth certificates, or the second coming of the Nazi Hitler youth. . . .

Y’know, A.J., I’ve noticed something about you “sane, centrist” types: You’re always ranting against any conservative who is actually popular with Republicans. Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Michelle Malkin, Mark Levin, et cetera.

You never go off on some unknown think-tank analyst, some obscure magazine writer, some third-tier talk-radio host. But let someone gain real success for saying things that tens of millions of grassroots conservatives believe, and suddenly the “centrists” start whining.

You’re like the geek at the dance, complaining that the prom queen and the quarterback are so popular. And so you sneer:

These people are going to grab their marbles and sit home in a snit. That leaves a window of opportunity for all those conservative leaning centrists . . .
We have the Old and Busted GOP of the far right, but we can now create the New GOP, far from the right wing fevered swamps. Especially if the denizens of the swamps wish to hide out there in their echo chambers, ranting as the world passes them by. One side has to be the Phoenix, and one side the ashes. Will see whether fringe can survive over the center in a democracy.

A.J. Strata, heroically offering himself as pseudonymous leader of a pseudo-movement! No bold colors in your banner, only pale pastels. “Let them go their way,” as Reagan said. And let’s hear a few “fever swamp” words from that notorious right-wing extremist:

I don’t know about you, but I am impatient with those Republicans who after the last election rushed into print saying, “We must broaden the base of our party” — when what they meant was to fuzz up and blur even more the differences between ourselves and our opponents. . . .
A political party cannot be all things to all people. It must represent certain fundamental beliefs which must not be compromised to political expediency, or simply to swell its numbers.

What A.J. Strata wants is not the party of Reagan, but the party of the respectable Republican elite, who never say or do anything that might disturb the liberal ascendancy. They imagine they can win a political conflict without ever risking anything in the fight, and therefore they always advise pre-emptive compromise: Give the liberals want they want, or you might make them angry!

Invariably, these “centrists” heap scorn on the “far right,” a term they apply in the same haphazard fashion as the liberals do, meaning anyone who expects Republicans to vote differently from Democrats.

The “fringe” upon which A.J. Strata so gleefully urinates is at least as large as Rush Limbaugh’s audience. It is at least as large as Michelle Malkin’s 8 million monthly visitors.

It is this same “fringe” that has put Mark Levin’s Liberty and Tyranny atop the bestseller list, the same “fringe” that turned out hundreds of thousands nationwide for Tea Party protests (at which A.J. Strata predictably sneered), the same “fringe” that always accomplishes anything meaningful to organize and lead opposition to the liberal agenda.

Well, the dogs may bark, but the caravan moves on. If A.J. Strata wants to sit around whining on the sidelines, that’s his choice. But if anybody thinks they’re going to stop Obama with that kind of defeatist, defensive, me-too-ism — “We’re Republicans, but we’re really not all bad!” — they’re deluding themselves. That way lies the oblivion of irrelevance.

UPDATE: A “Megan McCain Republican” — ouch, that’s gonna leave a mark.

May 17, 2009

Rule 5 Sunday

by Smitty
My humblest apologies concerning the FMJRA Saturday post. Technorati wasn’t even accepting logins, much less displaying blogs. I really hope they quit with doing the website impression of the economy Really Soon Now. On to more pleasant topics, e.g., Rule 5 Sunday.

  • Politics and Critical Thinking serves up a YouTube clip that is neither politic, nor demonstrative of critical thinking, nor, in fact, strictly SFW. Edgy for this family-friendly post, but instructive nonetheless.
  • Chad at KURU Lounge announces he thinks he’s in love with Felicia Day. So besotted is he, there is no link. Google images to the rescue:

  • Jeffords points us to Nikki Haley. “…she has combined the best of Sarah Palin and Bobby Jindal into one” he says.
  • Donald Douglas confesses a crush on Jessica Simpson. Will this help her grade in your class?
  • The Classical Liberal launches Rule 5 Saturday with Emilie de Ravin, a choice with which one can find no fault.
  • Mark Freeberg, struggling under the weight of Wanda “Kidney” Sykes-osis, still finds time to link Heather Mitts.
  • The Instapundit, in full Hope and Change bloom, goes totally artificial. Should have listened to Billy Joel: “Should I try to be a straight-A blogger? If you are, then you link too much.” Now look at the man. Tragic.
  • WyBlog focuses on the economic angle with the oldest profession, in Germany.
  • Pat in Shreveport answers the beefcake call with Heath Ledger.
  • Paco has a silver screen contribution that’s not to be missed, including Clark Gable. I wish I had a pencil thin mustache…
  • At the Point of a Gun links Padma Lakshmi‘s intense burger commercial while noting that Maxim put Michelle Obama two places above her in their ranking. Loo-hooosers.
  • The Political Castaway goes inter-species on us. It’s not clear which Rachel has less intellect. You may want to mute the video clip.

Standard rules apply: send links to Smitty the Porch Manque for inclusion. Keep linking and hitting the tip jar, and we’ll all get through this together.

UPDATE (RSM): In honor of the “Not One Red Cent” rebellion, I’m featuring this patriotic pinup, asking everyone to vote NOT ONE RED CENT until the GOP elite stops treating the conservative grassroots like a doormat. Of course, William Teach at Pirate’s Cove invented the “Patriotic Pinup” Sunday, so his is definitely owed linkage.

Speaking of red, or rather, crimson: Deuce Geary at Skepticrats brings us sexy Sela Ward — who is, I must point out, a former University of Alabama cheerleader, Roll Tide!

Update II:
The Daily Gator argues that Nicole Mansky is a major reason to watch NASCAR.

Update III:
HotMES remembers Farrah Fawcet.